Thursday, December 10, 2009
Lil K BIG News
Monday, October 26, 2009
How well do you screen your workers?
I'm sure you agree that the safety of the children in your ministry is absolutely essential. One of the best ways to protect your precious pupils and give their parents peace of mind is to thoroughly screen any adults that you allow to work with the kids in your program. According to the The Barna research group, many churches neglect to screen those working with children and youth. You can click here to read the full article at Barna's website and evaluate YOUR ministry to make sure you are adequately protecting the precious ones entrusted to your care.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
*NEW* KIDMO Media Gallery!

You can now watch sample clips from every single Johnny Rogers and Lil K Series... and preview our Music Collections in the all new KIDMO Media Gallery!
You can get to the new Gallery by clicking HERE or by clicking

on the product detail page for any series.
We hope this makes your decision-making process a little easier. Happy viewing!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
CPC 2010: Free KIDMO!
We hope to CU@CPC!
Friday, July 31, 2009
The K.I.D.M.O. K5

We believe in Bible action, not just Bible study.We believe that kids are not just the church of tomorrow, but that they can be World Changers right now.We understand that after age twelve most people’s beliefs are set for life. Therefore, KIDMO's purpose is to inspire world changers by equipping kids to:
Does God exist?
What are the attributes of God?
What is the character of God?
What is prayer?
What is worship?
How and why was the world created?
What is the nature and purpose of humanity?
Why did God create me?
What is good and evil?
How do I make right choices?
What is truth?
What does the Bible mean to me?
How can I experience God?
What spiritual authorities exist?
What happens after we die on earth?
What is the Church?
What is the mission of the Church?
How does the body of Christ function?
How can I help others know Christ?
How can I pray for others?
What gifts has God given me?
How can I use my time and money to serve God?
What can I do to serve the church?
What can I do to serve my community?
What can I do to serve those in other countries?
Friday, July 24, 2009
K Magazine Reviews KIDMO Content

We recently learned that the July/August 2009 issue of K! Magazine (a leading children's ministry publication) contains reviews of two of KIDMO's series: Lil K Show & Tell, and Johnny Rogers Deep... and both received top ratings! The reviews can be found on page 27 of the issue. Here's are some excerpts from the reviews.
Ryan's Reviews What's hot and what's not in the market
- 1 star - Makes a good doorstop
- 2 stars - Look for it on eBay
- 3 stars - Get out your credit card
- 4 stars - Booyah!
- 5 stars - Refinance your home
Show & Tell - Lil K
Producer: KIDMO
Ryan's Review: KIDMO has raised the bar in preschool curriculum with this new series. The first time I showed it to my-4 year-old daughter she wanted to watch it again. While the price tag might seem high for 5 weeks of curriculum, you'll find yourself saying it was well worth it.
Rating: 5 stars
Deep - Johnny Rogers
Producer: KIDMO
Ryan's Review: Sailors and scallywags, prepare to submerge in the Word with Captain Johnny in this new Elementary series from Kidmo. Not to my surprise, the video quality is way up there and I was also satisfied with the content. After these 5 lessons, your kids will have a better handle on God's Word and what it should mean to them.
Rating: 5 Stars
You can get more information about K! Magazine online at
Friday, July 17, 2009
Dealing with "Disruptives"

We’ve all had it happen to us. You are before those whom God has entrusted you to communicate the truths of the Bible that will set on fire the very course of their lives! Every eye is upon you, so great is their attention span and respect for you. Quietly and attentively they absorb every word, nodding in agreement… and the smiling and grateful parents come in at just that moment to pick up their kids! If only it was always that way.
The truth is, there IS a problem. There is a fundamental challenge to teaching kids: They are kids. Now that we have that out of the way… Developmentally speaking, each age group or division will have it’s own unique set of challenges, but it seems in ANY age group there will be one or more of what I will call “Disruptives.” (I’m using this term merely in terms of its interruptive nature, not in regards to the child’s personal nature.) Maybe it’s a result of excitement, or of chemical, emotional or physical concerns. Whatever the underlying root, it manifests itself in interruptive behavior. Those of you who have leaders or helpers who immediately exhort those who pull focus are blessed indeed. But here is what I’ve experienced.
When I am teaching and I have to draw attention to the one who is talking or acting up, I will usually begin to lose those who are paying attention. And if they see that someone else can get away with it, well, you know the rest. There is a certain momentum in teaching. You know what it feels like. And it’s just a bummer when you have to disengage to discipline.
Here is a technique that I have used to help keep that momentum. It involves proximity, you know, how close you are to something. Instead of “using your words” simply keep teaching, and without even acknowledging the behavior, walk over and stand within a couple feet of the disrupter and continue talking to the class. Many times they will get it on the first try. If not, take another step closer. If that doesn’t work, pause, just look at them, and keep going. No words are necessary. You are not giving them attention, if that’s what they are after, and the rest of the class, as well as those nearby, will see that it matters to you. It’s actually kinda fun. It’s a strategy that works for large or small groups. It’s always nice to give them a knowing little smile if they do quiet down. Positive reinforcement and all that.
Try this next time you find yourself in a “disruptive” situation. At the end of the day, we remember those teachers and leaders who have “loved on us,” and believed that we were significant. This made them close to us… a blessed “proximity”
Kai Vilhemsen holds multiple degrees in education and biblical studies, and is the writer/host of KIDMO’s Lil K preschool curriculum.
Monday, July 6, 2009
The Economy of the Upside Down

Do you remember what it felt like to be in the “team-picking lineup” when you were in grade school? I do. You can feel the warmth of the bricks against your back. Hands behind, they spring you slightly forward and back as you wait for your name to be called. “Will I be called?” “and, if so… when?” Here, in this tyrannical lineup, choices are made by how cool, how close, how fast, or how nice you are, …or maybe by what’s in your lunchbox. There is nothing longer than the span of time experienced by the last one to be picked. I know this personally… (and, subsequently, I know a great counselor in Nashville). This is the way of things. It’s the qualitative economy of this age and of ages past. THANK GOD it is not God’s economy! In fact, the best stuff happens when we feel entirely ill equipped, unprepared, and when there is absolutely nothing at all in our lunchbox for us to pull out. This is where God meets us. Somehow all that we might think we are is overshadowed by all that God is, and by the inestimable love and value that he has placed on each one of us.
True, God gives us aptitudes and abilities that are innately ours… gifts if you will. You have gifts. Do you have an idea of what they are? If you serve in a church setting, often times you will gravitate to opportunities consistent with your giftedness. Being an “up front” type is great, but then again, taking a child to the bathroom, or pouring juice, or cleaning up the under table carnage of dismembered goldfish crackers and cheerios will set the angels cheering too -- especially when it is accompanied by love. That’s a big one in this economy.
The truth is that you have a story in this economy. It will include sublime successes, absolute failures, near misses, and everything in between. Don’t worry about what you don’t have. Jump up and down for Who has you! So today, thank God for who you are, and where he has put you… and for your special place in the economy of the upside down.
Hey, your name was just called! And guess what, you were the first one picked!
Kai Vilhemsen holds multiple degrees in education and biblical studies, and is the writer/host of KIDMO’s Lil K preschool curriculum.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Lil K Show & Tell wins 2 Telly Awards!

We are pleased to announce that the Lil K Show & Tell series received two Telly Awards in this years' 30th annual Telly Awards contest. Founded in 1979, the Telly Awards is the premier award honoring outstanding TV commercials and programs, the finest film and video productions, and groundbreaking web commercials, videos and films. Winners represent the best work of the most respected advertising agencies, production companies, television stations, cable operators, and corporate video departments in the world. We are honored to have Lil K Show & Tell acknowledged in two categories: Children's Programming, and Religious Programming. -- You can find out more about the Telly Awards at
Bill Baumgart – Executive Producer | ||
Tim Ellis – Executive Producer | ||
Chuck Peters – Producer/Director | ||
Kai Vilhelmsen –Writer/Host | ||
Paul Morris – Videographer/Editor/Animator | ||
Dave Pines – Graphic Designer/Animator | ||
Marcelo Pennell – Audio Mix & Mastering David Browning -- Composer | ||
Jason Tharp – Audio Acquisition & Sound FX | ||
Stacee Strickland – Production Assistant | ||
Johnny Rogers – Writer | ||
Valerie Rogers – Writer | ||
Derrick Brown – Voice Talent | ||
Jeannie Wherley – Script Supervisor | ||
Jon Morris – Production Assistant |
Friday, May 29, 2009
Production Update: BIG news for Lil K

Look for BIG to ship Summer/Fall 2009.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
5 Things I've Learned - Stacee the Intern
1. Kids really do watch everything you do. AND THEY REPEAT IT! Kids look to you, because you are the adult figure in their life for that hour, or however long you have them. They know that you are carrying something for them. And to them, you appear to have it all together. Kids will watch you during worship. They will watch what you are doing during the main teaching. And if they see you do something, they will assume that it is acceptable behavior and follow it. So the age-old statement of "lead by example" is so true in kids ministry.
2. Structure is great, but moments are life-changing. There was a period of time when I was on staff at a church as the Children's Pastor. During that period of time, I found myself getting so caught up in the "to-do" lists for service that I lost sight of the real reason I was there. And my sunday mornings were effected. I had my order of service and was so focused on sticking to it, that I sometimes ran straight through the little moments that the Lord had orchestrated for me to have with a kid. Those little moments are what makes a difference in kids lives. They may not remember what song we sang, or what the Bible illustration was, but they will remember those small moments with you.
3. Figure out what your purpose and mission are for your ministry. Don't go into your ministry blind. Seek the Lord diligently about what His purpose is for your ministry, and communicate that to your volunteers. You could have a volunteer staff of 5 or 55, but if you all are on a different page, then kids will fall through the cracks.
Anyone can come into a building and put on a show... or teach a lesson, but if you are doing it without a word from the Lord, or clear direction from Him, then it is being done in vain. Bottom line is that every Sunday or Wednesday night, you have to ask yourself, "what is this unto?" And then strive to meet the standard that the Lord has placed in front of you. He doesn't set standards that we can't meet.
4. FIGHT for your ministry: Show your church just how important kids ministry really is. I've come across some churches over the past that pour resources and energy into what seems like every other ministry EXCEPT kids ministry! The first church I served at was blessed with resources and the senior pastor was "in the loop" on what was going on with the kids. He would come to different events we put on, and was excited about what we were doing. But kids ministry was still it's own thing in the church. At the second church I served at, the pastor really didn't have much to do with the kids. Now, don't get me wrong, he didn't have his hand completely out of it, but kids ministry just wasn't his top priority. The church that I'm at now I think has hit the nail on the head. The kids pastor's and senior pastor work together and the entire church, kids included, are learning the same things, from the same part of the Bible each week and that provides a support system like none I've never seen before. Having the support of the pastoral team and the church body immensely helps to strengthen your ministry.
5. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither are volunteers. This is probably one of the most important things I've learned in kids ministry. You have to train up your volunteers. When I started in kids ministry, I was a 14 year-old girl who didn't really know what she was doing. The children's pastor I was serving under knew that, so she didn't drop me into a directing role, or immediately leading worship. Instead, she paired me with someone who had been serving for a while. I helped them out in the sound booth, and eventually I started running sound by myself and that then turned into me overseeing the tech team of our ministry. Also at that young age, I wasn't released right away to pray with kids one on one...again, I was trained up in that, learning how to listen to the kids and pray specifically. I probably would have failed in kids ministry if I had been dropped in unprepared. Raising up volunteers is key to a ministry. You may have some junior highers who want to help out... find out what their skills are and what they are passionate about and pair them with someone to help develop those skills and train them up to be effective ministers of the Word.
~Stacee "The Intern" Strickland
Thursday, April 23, 2009
NEW Johnny Rogers KIDMO Training!

We're excited to announce the release of our brand new Johnny Rogers KIDMO Training Pack! Whether you want to find out what KIDMO is all about, learn to run the KIDMO program more effectively yourself, or train the members of your ministry team, the all-new JR Training Pack has the stuff you're looking for! The Training Pack contains both a DVD and a CD-ROM with video-driven training by Johnny Rogers himself, and a collection of all-new print materials and training documents to use as you train your volunteers and run your program. Best yet, it's absolutely FREE with your next order! For more information call us toll free at 877-610-2935 or send email to

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
KIDMO Staff Profile - Martha: Customer Support Specialist
Name: Martha Pearson
Position at KIDMO: Customer Support & Sales
Number of years at KIDMO: 4½
Favorite Movie: Pride & Prejudice
Favorite Dessert: Crème Brûlée
Favorite Hobbies: Reading, Making Cards, Craft Projects
Favorite Bible Passage: Hebrews 10:23, “Let us hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.”
Favorite KIDMO series: Super-U 2
Favorite KIDMO character: Subrina Subside, from Deep
First thought when the alarm clock rings: “Already? What day is it?”
Favorite place to spend free time: A comfy chair at a coffee shop
Favorite charity: Compassion International,
Favorite Superhero: Wonder Woman!
Exciting news for 2009: Upcoming birth of our first son, Jeremiah William, due in August!
Three most frequent questions from customers:
Where are the prayer cards? On the Training Pack CD-Rom
How do I divide my kids into teams? There’s not a set rule. Make sure to mix the ages so there are older kids on each team. If the numbers work, you can do boys versus girls. Or, let the kids sit wherever they want, and divide the teams by where they’re sitting.
How many teachers do I need to run the program? A 1:10 ration is recommended, especially for small groups. You don’t want your small group to be larger than 10 kids. For the large group time, you need an emcee, someone to start the video program, and enough leaders mixed throughout the group to maintain order.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
If you are going, don't miss the Johnny Rogers Keynote Address (Wow!!! How cool is that???) -- And plan to attend breakout sessions lead by Johnny Rogers, Lil K's Kai Vilhemsen, and our fearless leader Bill Baumgart. These guys will definitely INSPiRE CONSPiRE.
Watch this video to get the gist of this awesome event, and click HERE for more information about CONSPiRE & how to get your $100 KIDMO gift cert. We hope to see you there!
Get Connected... and Let's CONSPiRE
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
The Power of Prayer Cards
So... don't underestimate the power of asking your kids, "How can I pray for you this week?" If you're not using them already, take advantage of the prayer cards included with your KIDMO print materials this week!!!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Quotable Quotes About Kids
We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today. ~Stacia Tauscher
You can learn many things from children. How much patience you have, for instance. ~Franklin P. Jones
Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see. ~John W. Whitehead, The Stealing of America, 1983
Children are one third of our population and all of our future. ~Select Panel for the Promotion of Child Health, 1981
Even when freshly washed and relieved of all obvious confections, children tend to be sticky. ~Fran Lebowitz
Boy, n.: a noise with dirt on it. ~Not Your Average Dictionary
Children seldom misquote. In fact, they usually repeat word for word what you shouldn't have said. ~Author Unknown
While we try to teach our children all about life, Our children teach us what life is all about. ~Angela Schwindt
Women gather together to wear silly hats, eat dainty food, and forget how unresponsive their husbands are. Men gather to talk sports, eat heavy food, and forget how demanding their wives are. Only where children gather is there any real chance of fun. ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Neurotic's Notebook, 1960
There's nothing that can help you understand your beliefs more than trying to explain them to an inquisitive child. ~Frank A. Clark
Monday, February 16, 2009
Getting The Point is the Most Important Part of a Lesson

You’ve likely heard people say, “It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.” What they mean is you can say all kinds of not-so-nice things to people as long as you say them in a nice way. While this sounds like solid advice, it puts a lot of importance on the means & tone of delivery, and very little on the content of the message.
In Christian circles we may tend to tip the scales a bit too far the other way. Some of us are so focused on the content of our message that we overlook the importance of presenting it in a way that it is understood & received by our listeners. This is particularly true for grownups attempting to communicate God’s truth to kids.
Personally, I would alter the statement slightly to make it more accurate. I think it would be better said that, “It’s not only what you say, it’s also how you say it.”
One of the key rules of being a good communicator is to know who you’re talking to. Understanding your audience lets you hone & deliver your message using language & terminology that your listeners understand. Imagine if you were asked to communicate the simple fire safety message, “Stop, Drop and Roll” to two different audiences: 1st graders and senior citizens. While the message is exactly the same, I hope you would deliver that message differently to those two groups.
In order to deliver a message that connects with your kids, you need to know more than merely WHAT you want to say… you need to think about HOW to say it. BTW, how you “say” something stretches far beyond the words you choose to use… it includes everything from the way you position the chairs in the room, to your lighting and wall decorations. It includes your physical posture, the shirt you wear and the pace and energy with which you speak.
Paul said it this way in 1 Corinthians 9:22 , ”To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some.”
This week, as you teach and interact with your kids, remember that they aren’t adults! Meet them on their turf. Use their terms. Look them in the eyes. Get down on the floor if you have to. After all, getting the point is the most important part of any lesson.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
What's up for 09?
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
CPC Nashville Pictures
If you missed us in Nashville... (Hello, all you West-coasters!), make sure to put CPC San Diego on your calendar! The event is coming up fast: Feb 4-7, 2009 at Town & Country Hotel in San Diego, CA. You can find out more about the event HERE. Hope to see you there!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
CPC Update
If you're at the show today, be sure to check out Johnny Roger's breakout session, and swing by the KIDMO booth to meet Mark Campbell and the rest of the KIDMO Q&A team.
Wednesday will be another big KIDMO day at the show, with 3 exciting KIDMO-lead breakout sessions and a KIDMO-sponsored lunch! Don't miss the fun!!! Hope to see you at the show!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Hope 2CU@CPC!

CPC Nashville 2009 is here, and we're looking forward to seeing you there! If you are planning to attend, make sure to check out the KIDMO booth, breakout sessions, KIDMO sponsored lunch on Wednesday, and our evening event on Monday night!
The Monday event will be at 10pm in the Washington B room at the Opryland Hotel. Come join Johny, Kai and KIDMO staffers for milk & cookies (and coffee) before turning in for the night. It will be a great time to network with other KIDMO users, take part in some Q&A, hear the latest in the KIDMO world and maybe win some cool prizes.
You'll also hear about the six KIDMO breakouts that will be happening in that same room throughout the CPC week.
We hope 2CU@CPC!
Click here for more information.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Happy 1st Friday!
Hope you have a great weekend with your kids!!!