Tuesday, December 30, 2008
The 3 R's: Johnny's Rules of Engagements
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
One's in the Crowd

It’s easy to think of the kids in your ministry as a group… a crowd… maybe even a mob! ...that's not necessarily a good thing. I was recently reminded that, no matter how massive our groups get, we need to minister to our kids as individuals. The ultimate goal is for each child to feel spoken to, related to, and ministered to personally each week. Making your ministry personal can be a challenge as your group grows in number, but the only number that really counts is 1. So whether your group is 20, 40, or 170, try to not think of them as a group of that many... but as that many 1's. Purposefully speaking to each one as if they were the only one will help keep your kids from feeling lost in the crowd.
Friday, December 19, 2008

Well, it’s that time of the year again… the season of sneezes, sniffles and outright sickness is upon us again! Here are a few tips to help you and your co-leaders stay healthy and hearty this winter so you can concentrate on your kids, not your colds.
1. Wash Your Hands! - One of the best ways to avoid getting sick (especially when you’re working closely with kids) is to wash your hands… a lot! Be sure to do a thorough job; use soap and warm water, scrub for at least 15 seconds, and wash your hands several times throughout the day (like in between church services). Expert hand washers recommend using liquid soap (not the bar kind), and drying hands on paper towels that you then throw away. Hand sanitizers (like Purell) are are another good idea. These products use an antiseptic alcohol to destroy 99% of germs and you can use them anytime and anywhere because they don't require soap, water or towels to be effective.
2. Clean Your Surfaces - They say that germs and bacteria can live for hours on the surfaces that sickies have touched (or sneezed on). Use germ-killing cleaning products to disinfect your classroom’s desks, doorknobs, game controllers and toys… and don’t forget to wipe down your laminated KIDMO scorecards and the balls that you use as points.
3. Cover Up! - If everyone covered their face when they coughed or sneezed, germs wouldn't stand a chance! Unfortunately, many people just can't make this habit stick, and the germs fly free. Encourage kids to turn their head and cough or sneeze into the crook of their elbow -- rather than the palm of their hand -- to avoid passing germs by touch.
4. Eat, Exercise & Sleep - Get plenty of sleep. Exercise, especially aerobic, increases the body's virus-killing cells. Even better, exercise outside in the fresh air, away from dehydrating indoor heating systems and recirculated, germy air. Eat healthy foods with lots of vitamins, like colorful fruits and vegetables, whole grains and yogurt. Drink fluids; it flushes out your system.
Take care of yourself! Your kids need you!
For more tips on staying healthy, check out the article that inspired this post at: http://multiples.about.com/od/familyissues/tp/healthytips.htm
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Note from a KIDMO Kid

I'm a student from KIDMO, and I LOVE it! It really seems to work magic on my church. All the kids who are usually loud, and "unteachable", are becoming really nice! Especcially the Christamas episodes, my church was amazing. I saw the very loud 5th graders standing next to the 1st graders, that they usually dont even talk to, swaying to the music, singing all the christams song, it was wonderful!
When i was little, i didn't really like going to church. But now that there's KIDMO, im exited to go, and i look foward to it during the week. I also LOVE the songs. I mean, who could have thought of a better way to make Christ through music? I sure don't know anyone. I mean, even the older kids, we all come up and do motions for the younger kids. But I do have one suggestion. Could you make a song JUST about the rapture. Not like all the freaky, scary parts. I mean, i dont think you really want to scare the little 1st graders. Just saying He will come. I think it would make a good song.
Well, you guys are amazing! Now I feel better about bringing friends to church, cuz they would be lass tempted to go, if you're listening to a long sermon in a very low monotone. But GO JOHNNY ROGERS!
Rebecca N.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Ministry is More Than Words
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Christmas Lists
About this time every year postal workers in New York City begin opening thousands of letters that kids have written and mailed to Santa Claus through the USPS. The project is called Operation Santa Claus, and its goal is to match children in need with surrogate Santa’s who can help give an underprivileged child a Merry Christmas. While we’re not endorsing Operation Santa, or asking you to participate in the project, we do want to pass on some information on the trends that its participants are reporting this year.
In a recent radio interview, Gary Smiley, a New York Paramedic who has picked up letters from the NYC Post Office and given gifts to their writers for 18 years, said that he has seen kids Christmas wishes change this year, “It has kind of shifted a lot from toys to more clothing and necessities. They really just need the basics in life. They don’t want a race car they want a coat, or a pair of pants or a nice outfit they can wear to school as opposed to a doll or something.”
What can we take from this as Children’s Ministry workers? We need to be acutely aware that, while Christmas is a joyous time for many of the families in our churches, many others are struggling at home financially, emotionally and relationally during this current time of economic recession, and many of the kids in our programs may be facing slim Christmases.
What can you do? If your church doesn’t already have a means of matching children in need with others who can provide them with gifts, food and clothing this season, you can start one! There’s still plenty of time to create your own Christ-centered Christmas “Operation” to help the kids in your class. This also gives us a unique opportunity to teach our kids that the real gift of Christmas isn't one that comes wrapped in colored paper, but one that came wrapped in swaddling clothes. If New Yorkers can “bless” children and their families in the name of Santa, how much more so should we bless the families in our churches and communities in the name of Jesus, and remind them that He alone is the real reason for the Season, and Hero of the Holiday.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
New Lil K Series! Introducing: SHOW & TELL
Join Kai, Professor Sock and Lil K as they say, "Tada! Look what God made!" in SHOW & TELL!
- Topic: Creation
- Bible Passage: Genesis 1:1-2:2
- Basic Teaching: God made our big world, and everything in it.
- Application: Challenge kids to look for things that God has made and say, “Tada! Look what God made!”
- Remember Verse: Genesis 1:31 “God looked at everything He made, and it was very good.”
For more information on this and other Lil K series, or to order, visit the Lil K "Shop" at www.kidmo.com.
Friday, November 14, 2008
If Prairie Dogs Could Fly!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Johnny Rogers Reports from The Sticks
You can find out more about The Sticks Conference at their website: www.thesticks.tv
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Pray at the Pump

The last time I got gas I had to push a button marked "Pay at the Pump" -- I laughed to myself just a little as I quickly changed the word "Pay" to "Pray" in my head. Pray at the Pump. Heh. Funny. =) ...and then I thought, hey, it's not such a bad idea. I took the next few minutes to pray for my family, my job, our nation's leaders... (and, yes, the price of gas). I want to challenge you to try it too! It can be hard to set aside dedicated prayer time each week, but we always have to stop for gas. So, next time you Pay at the Pump... remember to Pray at the Pump! The good news is, the bigger your car, the more time you'll have to pray!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Kid (or Kids) of the Week Profiles

Friday, November 7, 2008
Yakkety Yak
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Praying For Your Children
Friday, October 31, 2008
If Prairie Dogs Could Talk...
Until next time... don't be a Pats!!! Get out there and wash some feet! (No matter how grody there are!) -- Hope you have a great Sunday!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Cray-Z CrayonZ

Friday, October 24, 2008
Owlsome Advice - Happy Friday!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Building a Relational CHAIN - #5 NOTICE

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Three Questions
As you review your lesson in preparation for your group time, make sure that you (and all your leaders) can answer these three simple questions about the content.
1) What do you want the kids to know?
2) Why do you want them to know it?
3) What do you want them to do because of it?
If you can prepare your leaders so that they can answer these questions before the kids arrive… they’ll know exactly why they are teaching what they are teaching. And if your kids can answer these questions before they leave… they’ll know exactly why they are learning what they are learning!
While I can’t claim original ownership of these three questions… (I got them from Johnny Rogers who got them from some other wise one) I want to pass them on to you so that you can pass them on to others. They are a super place to start as you prepare to present God’s truths to your students, and an excellent way to test whether or not the truths you teach are taking root in the hearts and minds of your kids.
Friday, October 10, 2008
New Lil K Series: God's Kid!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
KIDMO! on the Go
Last week children’s ministry workers from across the country (and around the world!) gathered outside Chicago for the 10th Annual Kid U Celebration Conference in Chicago. The event is put on by the fine folks at Kidology (www.kidology.org). Their mission: to equip and encourage those who minister to kids. The four-day event included Leadership Labs, Volunteer Workshops, a Celebration Banquet, worship led by Alan Root, and an exhibit hall featuring a number of super-cool sponsors, including… (drum roll please) …US!
Our magnificent Marketing man, Mr. Mark Campbell, hit the road to represent KIDMO! at the show. “Kidology University was an amazing gathering of Kids Ministry workers from across the country, and this year, from around the world. We were proud to be there as a sponsor. Working the KIDMO! booth is always fun. We get to see some of our KIDMO! users and hear how our resources are working to meet needs in their churches. Plus it's always a blast to introduce KIDMO! to new folks.”
This trip was particularly fun for Mark because he was accompanied by a special sidekick. “I got to take my 10 year old daughter, Abigail… we saw live concerts with KIDZ BLITZ & GOD ROCKS... and we got to stop in Downtown Chicago on the way home for some Pizza Uno and a visit to the brand new American Girl store. Life is Good!”
Check out the Kidology website to learn more about the Kid U event and the many other ways that they can help you in your ministry. One note: Their website is Kidology.org not .com!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Parenting Ain't Easy
According to a 2007 survey by The Barna Group, it appears that a lot of parents are struggling. In its April 23, 2007 update, www.barna.org reported that...
- A majority of parents feel overly busy, stressed out or are buckling under the pressure of mounting financial debt.
- Most adults are dissatisfied with their job, even though it consumes a majority of their waking hours.
- American parents tend to blame other parents for the problems evident among today’s young people while excusing themselves from any blame. A large share of parents, however, do express worry about the future that their children will inherit and how prepared their children are to deal with the challenges of that future.Fewer than one out of every ten families have parents who pray together, study the Bible together and lead the family in regular explorations of their faith.
- The standards that parents have established for evaluating their own performance as a parent are innocuous. If their children have avoided publicly recognized problems - such as physical or substance abuse, gang involvement, satanic activity, pregnancy, or physical aggression - and continue to get passing grades in school and stay relatively healthy, the parents believe they are doing an acceptable job.
- Few parents are aware of the dramatic effect the media have upon people’s behavior and values. Just 9% of parents believe that the media are the most significant influence on their children’s lives, and only one out of every three parents of kids under 13 impose any significant restrictions or limitations on how much or what type of media their children are exposed to. Shockingly few parents have discussions with their children about the content of the media they have digested."
Monday, October 6, 2008
Building a Relational CHAIN - #4 Invest

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Building a Relational CHAIN - #3 Ask
We've been looking at ways that we can build a strong relational CHAIN to the kids we minister to. Today we'll look at the third aspect of the CHAIN... Ask.
Connect Honor ASK Invest Notice
Conversation can be a key to unlock a meaningful relationship with a child. However, many kids are not natural conversationalists. So how do you start a connection with a kid through conversation? The first step is to get them talking.
I recommend using these 3 questions to create connections with your kids:
1) ASK - How was your week? Asking kids about their weeks sends the message, “I’m interested in you. Tell me something about your life.”
2) ASK - Did anything different or unusual happen to you this week? If a child is drawing a blank, offer some possibilities like, "Did you win your game? Did you go swimming?" Asking specific questions will help jog a child’s memory. Kids might not simply offer information, but they will share in great detail if you ask them the right questions.
3) ASK - Do you have any brothers of sisters? or Do you have any pets? Many children have siblings or pets and they love to talk about them. Having a child share about brothers, sisters or pets can give you great insight into a child's family life.
Once a child begins to share, stop talking and start listening. In fact, listen more than you talk. Showing genuine interest in what a child is sharing means listening intently. As you get to know them better you become better equipped to minister to them more effectively.
I Thessalonians 5:11 tells us that we should, “…encourage each other and build each other up.” One way to begin encouraging your kids is to take an interest in their lives.
So this week, ask your kids about their lives and listen to them! You may be surprised by what they have to say.
Monday, September 29, 2008
KIDMO Comments
We regularly get letters and emails from people telling us the difference that KIDMO! has made in their ministries. Here's a quick collection of comments that we've recently received. -- Do you use KIDMO! curriculum? If so, please take a moment to comment on this post and share your experience. We'd love to hear what you have to say! -- If you don't use KIDMO! and have questions, please post those too so our users can respond to you!
~The KIDMO! Team
For several years our church children's ministry was in decline. Then we found KIDMO! God has used this resource to transform our ministry. Attendance has nearly tripled in the last 18 months. Even our fifth grade boys now beg to lead the worship. Thanks to the creativity and energy of KIDMO! our kids are learning to apply biblical truth to their everyday lives.
Greg and Renee Carper
Carmel Presbyterian Church-Carmel, CA
Click here to read Greg Carper's current article in Religious Product News "Jesus On The Big Screen "
KIDMO! has brought a new vibrant and alive perspective for teaching foundational concepts to our kids and is providing the building blocks for strong spiritual development. Johnny Rogers' crazy spunk has thrilled their minds and the catchy tunes, actions and phrases spark a desire for wanting more of God in the hearts of all who participate. Even the adults!
Heather Glidden
First Free Church-Rockford, IL
Since discovering KIDMO! our attendance has tripled-and we have no more complaining kids! We also have many stories of kids getting their parents up for church, running from the car to be in class, and visitors who have told their parents this is where they want to come to church! If that isn't enough our volunteers are thrilled to not be overloaded with preparation so they can focus on making relational connects. We can't wait to start Lil' K with our preschoolers!
Beth Wilkes
Orange Park Presbyterian Church-Orange Park, FL
KIDMO! is not just about teaching and informing, but helping to make world-changing disciples. Our kids are going out with confidence into their neighborhoods and schools.
Scott Dobson
Church of the Open Door-Glendora, CA
We started using KIDMO! about a year ago and love it. I was hesitant at first, but after God began speaking to me committed to give it a try. What blew me away is that kids we have never been able to engage before are finally connecting!
Amanda Marshall
Centerpointe Community Church-Orlando, FL
Friday, September 26, 2008
Building a Relational CHAIN - #2 Honor
This is the second post in a series on building a strong relational CHAIN with your kids. There are 5 aspects to this relational CHAIN.
Today I want to share some thoughts on Honoring your kids. A great way to do this is by celebrating their arrival. So, how can you do this effectively?
1) Show Enthusiasm: Giving high-fives and greeting a child with enthusiasm offers that child a sense of celebration and gets them excited about being there.
2) Call Them by Name: Calling a child by his or her first name makes them to feel known and valued.
(Name tags are a great way to help you and your volunteers.)
3) Set Busyness Aside: When a child arrives at your door, stop what you are doing to acknowledge each one as he or she enters the room. This focused attention lets each child (and the adults who drop them off) know that they are important to you. This is a job is so important that you may want to do it yourself!
Your ultimate goal should be to greet and treat each boy or girl the same way you would greet and treat Jesus. In Matthew 18:5 (NLT) Jesus said, "...anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf is welcoming me." Acknowledging and welcoming children was important to Jesus, and it should be important to us as we seek to reach and teach kids about Him.
Thanks for investing your time and energy into kids! I hope you stay encouraged as we seek to inspire world changers together!
Johnny Rogers
Check out Johnny's personal blog here.
The KIDMO! Concept
KIDMO! is not about information, but transformation. Not just biblical stories, but a biblical worldview.
We want to teach God’s truth in ways that impact a child’s choices and actions. Creativity and imagination are precious resources for penetrating their language and culture. Kids must be needed, valued, and connected. Their church experience must be relevant to their daily lives. Kids have time, availability, and enthusiasm to accomplish great things for His Kingdom. A kid’s day-to-day existence is not side tracked by many of the complications that distract their adult counterparts. By teaching them to develop a biblical worldview, we can ignite an awakening that will impact generations to come. For the same reason that Jesus gave his attention to kids, we believe kids grow best when nurtured by loving mentors and teachers. That’s you!
Let’s Inspire World Changers Together!
~The KIDMO! Team
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Building a Relational CHAIN: #1 Connect
I don't know about you, but there are times when I've wondered if I'm really connecting with the kids in my ministry. I've watched them walk out the doors of my classroom and wondered, "Are they really getting it? Are they making a connection between what was just taught and what life will throw at them this week?” What do we need to provide to inspire our kids to change their world? Well it all begins with relationship.
I want to encourage you to be purposeful about building a strong relational CHAIN with your kids. There are 5 aspects to this relational CHAIN.
CONNECT Honor Ask Invest Notice
Today, I want to share some thoughts on connecting. Here are 3 ways you and your volunteers can Connect with your kids this week.
1) Kneel Down - It's easy for us as adults to stand up and tower over kids. When you kneel down and get on their level it makes you more approachable.
2) Look them In the Eye - Making eye contact with a child conveys value and improves communication. Eye contact tells the child, "I'm ready to listen."
3) Practice Focused Attention - Even though there may be a lot going on around you, take a few minutes to dedicate your attention to that one child. Focusing your attention allows that child to feel that he or she is the most important person in the room. Focusing your attention in the midst of busyness takes practice, but it can yield a huge harvest in the heart of a child.
Kneeling down, looking a child in the eye and focusing on each one takes intentional effort. If you think about it, this is what Jesus did for us. The God of the universe became small, He got down on our level, so that He could look us in the eye. He intentionally pursued a personal relationship with each of us and He did it because of His love for us.
Be encouraged today and know that you ARE making a difference!
Johnny Rogers
Check out Johnny's personal blog here.
We Believe!!!

We Believe: Kids are World Changers!